Sunday, November 23, 2014

Why Indian Men Rape?

Quite an engrossing topic, isn't it?

Here's the problem lies! I contemplated about it, and finally googled.

To my consternation,  I got About 4,26,00,000 results. What really relevant was a few analytical facts presented by some really good newspapers, organisations and journals. Right from Washington Post to The Guardian, every article had virtually tantamount view.

Is it the 'deprivation' of sexual needs or brunt of modernisation, is it offshoot of marrowless system or male resistance to women empowerment. In India everything seems wrong, rape means a life of misery and melancholy. 

Aleteia describes what is it with Indians and Rape?  

"It would be easy to say rape in India was a recent phenomenon, a by-product of modernization."

Here are some culpable facts inviting the doers:

  • India has the lowest number of FEMALE officers among Asian Countries. As low as 7% in  the national capital.
  • In New Delhi, only 1/3 policemen are available for of general citizens while rest are providing security services to various politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats and others. As per THE TIMES OF INDIA, there is one officer for every 200 citizens and about 20 officers for every VIP.
  • The Reuters TrustLaw Group named India one of the worst countries in the world for women this year.
  • A 2012 report by UNICEF found that 57% of Indian boys and 53% of girls between the age group 15 to 19 think that wife-beating is justified.
  • Indian Judicial System is next to the word pathetic. India has 15 judges for 1 million people, while China has 159. It would take 466 years to get through the backlogs in the capital alone.
  • As per National Crime Records Bureau, there is an increase of 900% registered rape cases in India over the past 40 years.
  • In every 20 minutes, a woman is raped. One out every three victims is under 18 & one out of every ten victims is under 14.
  • As per a study in 2011, one in four Indian men admitted to having committed sexual violence. 
  • There is a higher probability that only one out of 100 rapes is reported.

I have used a weird but undeniable method to identify the chunk who may be proactively indulge in Sexual Assaults:

India's Sex Ratio is 943:1000
Total Population: 125 Crore Approx 

As per the sex ratio, there is a difference of 57, which means the shortage of women to have a normal relationship. India has more than 65% of the population below the age of 30. So, it's common for the young minds to revolve around the word,"Sex."

Correction to these technicalities is strongly required. Empowering and educating the women can ameliorate the stigma of male dominance. Start it from the basic, shun the puritanical habits and talk about it on your dinner table. Teach your children to respect women as much as they accord to deities. Treat victims with love, empathy and care. And gradually a better society can be formed.

There is a lot to talk about this, and the onus is ours to carry it on....

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Political Blitz of Sunder Bani-Nowshera

As the ferocious battle of  #JammuAndKashmir assembly elections is forth, I wish I could be there to confab and relish the hysteria. Political satire is something I find fascinating now a day. During my recovery process, I contemplated it to a greater extent.

Being a dweller of Sunder Bani-Nowshera Constituency, I have so many expectations. And the burden of expectations remained insurmountable for all these years.

I heard that they are working to build a bridge on my way to home. Do they know that I cannot cross the 'Nullah' with a broken leg? No! It's just political dogma.

Unlike me, many suffered economically, physically, mentally and so on. There is no hope in the political conformity of my area

The 'Sarpanch' of my village is still a missing character, nobody seen him (at least in our locality) after his swearing-in. How can I hope an MLA to visit us? It would be the day of eternity. Isn't it?

Last time I heard that people voted a person who endowed blankets and liquor to them. I don't think this much is the standard of my people. Eat, Drink, Enjoy but do not vote for the candidate who is bestowing such offers, such people will keep you and your children retrogress. 

Sully Prudhomme famously said, "GREAT ARE ONLY GREAT BECAUSE WE ARE ON OUR KNEES." Let's rise and fight for our future. Right from the living standards to medical facilities, from education to employment; we are bereaved!

I do not have much knowledge about candidates who are fighting for the crown, nor I am voting this time because of my meager health. But I am sure you all going to choose a CANDIDATE whom people 'dislike the least.' 

My wishes to Sh. Surinder Choudhary, the man with a moxie. He is most accessible among all candidates and my personal favorite too. Sh. Ravinder Raina, the newest face to the locality, charismatic and full of energy. He holds the supreme dynamism of Sh Narendra Modi. Sh. Rajinder Sharma, the man who changed the story of his own village. Sh Ravinder Sharma, whose MLC candidature didn't bring something over the nix, hopes are still on.

We are way ahead to the last assembly polls, let us be more pragmatic and choose the candidate based on the performance. A day to rise above from politics of abashment and greed is awaiting.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

मृत्यु जीवन का रंग है ||

मृत्यु जीवन का रंग है, समय की डगर पर चलना सबको को संग है । 

क्या होगा घबराने से, कौन रोक सका है आने जाने से,
पहचान सत्य की भली, बाद पछताने से ॥ 

जीवन-रस को यूं चखा जाये के मोहब्बत के मेहखाने में गर्दिश न रहे । 
तृष्ट मन से हो अंत समय का सामना, कोई अधूरी ख़्वाहिश न रहे ॥ 

साहस हर मुश्किल का मोल है, हर सीख विप्पत्ति की अनमोल है । 
मृत्यु जीवन का रंग है, समय की डगर पर चलना सबको को संग है । 


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

thou & I, together- a paradise!

Thy sacred touch, feathered the soul

as if dew kissed a delicate flower!

recherche, in a trice- made us forever!

as ever I saw a day balmy and higher....

a gentle kiss was a brook of nectar,

tastier as ambrosia, serene & breezy 

eyes drizzled love, the depth beneath eternity

overwhelmed a thousand seas in a while...

thou & I, together- a paradise!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Narendra Modi- The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, Rewinds!

The rise of Narendra Modi is not the history of decades, it happened ferociously in a shorter span. He has won not just elections but mindshare too. Interestingly, the world's largest democracy voted for a man who was relatively known, de facto considered an anti-muslim. Two things has drove Modi to the greater heights i.e. track record in Gujrat and second one is the sombre dream of 'development.'

Modi's hyperactiveness is an eclat and hailed as prominent statesman of today's India. It is not a right time to justify his tenure as PM but the thing I find him adept with is the 'Timing' and his authoritative tendency to hallucinogen his listeners.

I have started my new read TEAM OF RIVALS, a political genius of Abraham Lincoln. Forthwith I realised there is something common between two greats. Abraham Lincoln was also not that known before the tenure of president. The New York Herald (May 19, 1860), commented on Abraham Lincoln's nomination for president as:

''The conduct of the republican party in this nomination is a remarkable indication of small intellect, growing smaller. They pass over... statesmen and able men, and they take up a fourth-rate lecturer, who cannot speak good grammar."

Abraham Lincoln got president-ship over his superior rivals because he was shrewdest and canniest among, so Narendra Modi too. After becoming president, Abraham Lincoln had offered all important ministries to his rivals and befriend them. Modi raised the slogan 'Sab Ka Sath, Sab Ka Vikas.' He moved a step ahead and stole the name of Mahatma Gandhi, the foremost business Congress had to yoo-hoo. Modi started afresh with SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN and gave a new identity to brand 'Mahatma Gandhi.' surprisingly, Rahul Gandhi felt the heat too.

Things didn't let-up here, Modi challenged one of the most eminent leaders of Congress to join SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN, Shashi Tharoor accepted it and got sacked as spokesperson of Congress. Recently Narendra Modi retweeted the picture of Shashi Tharoor and praised his initiative.

People are looking at Modi as a game changer and an ambassador on development. His success in Lok Sabha elections and recent triumph od Haryana & Maharashtra shows the intent of people towards the future. Modi is a master of action, his proactive approach acknowledged his vision. He knows how to drive the horde. There is a least chance for the opposition to ascent in upcoming days.

Leo Tolstoy described Abraham Lincoln as-

"The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Wahington is only moonlight by the sun of Abraham Lincoln. His example is universal and will last thousand of years.... He was bigger than his his country-- bigger than all the presidents together....and as a great character he will live as long as the world lives."

Modi has a long way ahead to accrue such glory on the pages of history. Expectations are Everest high!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

This Diwali, are you really concern?

Hey Wait! You Serious?

You buying crackers for your kids & perceiving them safe? Fire can't be a source of amusement, it burns. 

I am not sure whether your child has ever given a thought to the history behind it, the significance of brightening, which source should brighten. Crackers? I am not sure too, if God likes it. Well, if it could have up to me, I would have run away. Onus is ours to handover the eternal grace & value of culture to upcoming. And a defile environment would never let you do this.

Come on, pay this perishable amount to someone like Twisha, here is the link:

Do it for her life & God would do it for you, and this cycle would make the world a better place. Isn't it?

I don't believe in lecturing you the hazardousness of every cracker you put on air, nor I feel doing so. But I wanna remember you that the most of the crackers your child gonna bust, are manufactured by children of his age. Child labour is worst than slavery!

Ample amount of Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Potassium Chlorate we are going to breathe in next week. Hundreds would die, thousands would get injured, lakhs of birds & animals would suffer. 


PM would broom for us again to let the streets clean.

Happy Diwali !

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Save Twisha

Twisha Makwana is three and half year old & the only child to her single mother. She is born with very rare birth defect isolated “Long Gap Oesophageal Atresia,” which prevents her to eat/feed by mouth. She had undergone around 20 operations (major & minor) to fix her isolated defect with no success. & had many close calls. Since then Twisha is given a spit fistula on her chest to drain her secretions/fake oral feed out and in getting her nutritious via Gastrostomy feeds.
Twisha needs true primary repair. She needs to get to Boston, MA, USA for her further medical Treatment.
In Boston there is a special clinic- Esophageal Atresia Treatment Clinic run by the Specialist Doctors and the team where they offer the world best treatment for the babies like Twisha.
They have invented a special technique named “Foker Procedure” to repair LGOA babies. In this procedure they stimulate the growth of missed Oesophagus by traction sutures. Baby is kept sedated and paralysed for couple of weeks/months. When both the ends of Oesophagus are grown long and come nearby like overlapping on each other, they are sewn together.
This Diwali, let us join together and save her life. Her mother is struggling hard to make 7.5 Crores for the treatment. Your little kindness can save her life, make Twisha & her mother smile.
Mo.: +61-425-147-970 (Sweety Makwana, Twisha's Mum in Australia)
Mo.: +91-9825323252 (Rasikbhai Darji, Sweety's Father in India)
Mo.: +91-9810570830 (Vandita Agrawal, Volunteer in India)

(Disclaimer- The post is just to support the cause and help her parents to raise the funds. I shall take it down immediately after they get enough funds) 

Friday, October 17, 2014

मन भंवरा उड़ चला जाने किस ओर.....

मन भंवरा उड़ चला जाने किस ओर.....
एहसासों का मारा, ख्वाइशों से हारा- जैसे बिन घटा कोई मोर ।

सावन आये-जाये, यह चैन न पाये ।
ढूंढे ख़ामोशी सा कहीं शोर.....

इसको समझाऊँ यह बात, कुछ नहीं आना हाथ ।
तमन्ना लेकर चांद की, बन बैठा है चकोर ….

यह कहां माने कहना, गर्दिशों में डूबे रहना ।
ढूंढे तेरे निशां, जैसे फलक का कोई छोर।।

मन भंवरा उड़ चला, संग-संग बादलों का कारवां
तेरी खुशबू आये, यह झूमे-गाये-- खिंचा चला जाये तेरी ओर.....


Monday, August 25, 2014

शहर तेरा मुसाफिर छोड़ चला ||

शहर तेरा मुसाफिर छोड़ चला, तेरे हिजर में बेबस होकर
अब यादों के गलियारों में मुलाकातें होंगी॥

हर सपना वो टूट गया, जो तेरी पलकों के साये में संजोया था।
मुझसे रूठा आज खुदा, रोया होगा कहीं छुपकर॥

दिल-ए-नादान हम उसे भुलाएँगे, जो जुदा हुआ भी तो धड़कन बनकर ।
इस अनजाने मंज़र पे तनहा छोड़ गया, साथ निभाने का वादा कर ॥

साथी, तूने जीना सीखाया मेरे नीरस होंठो को जाम हंसी का पिलाया।
जरा सोच लेता कैसे जियेगा चकोर, अँधेरी रात देखकर॥

तेरा ऊँचा मकाम रहेगा, मेरी कब्र पे साक़ी तेरा नाम रहेगा ।
निष्ठुर आँधियों में भी तेरी यादों को संजोया करुँगा दीया जलाकर ॥


Sunday, August 24, 2014

कष्टों ने जीवन का महत्व सीखा दिया ||

अँधेरी रात यह बीत जाएगी, फिर इक नयी सुबह आयेगी ।
ओस की बूंदों से तृप्त कलियाँ खिलखिलायेंगी, डाल पर बैठी मैना गीत कोई सुहाना गुनगुनायेगी ॥

कठिन समय बीत चला, मंथर गति से टल रही है यह बला ।
दिन वो हसीन आयेगा, 'सौरव' फिर से चल पायेगा ॥

अभिलाषा है देस जाऊँ, माँ की पावन चरणों में शीश झुकाऊँ।
प्रकृति की मनमोहक सुंदरता को निहारु, झीलों-झरनों की धारा संग बह जाऊँ॥

ईश्वर तेरी विभूति का मुझे एहसास है, बिनती तुझसे है हर पल यही--
मेरे माता-पिता के मुख पे उदासी ना हो, मुल्य उनकी अनुकंपा का ना चुका पाऊँ प्राण देकर भी॥

कष्टों ने जीवन का महत्व सीखा दिया, समय की प्रतिष्ठा का आभास करा दिया।
मृत्यु अटल है इक दिन आनी है, काश जी लूँ फिर से वो क्षण-- जो नफरतों में बीता दिया॥


The Song Of The Free

The wounded snake its hood unfurls,
The flame stirred up doth the blaze,
The desert air resounds the calls
Of heart-struck lion’s rage.
The cloud puts forth it deluge strength
When lightning cleaves its breast,
When the soul is stirred to its inmost depth
Great ones unfold their best.
Let eyes grow dim and heart grow faint,
And friendship fails and love betray,
Let Fate its hundred horrors send,
And clotted darkness block the way.
All nature wears one angry frown,
To crush you out – still know, my soul,
You are Divine. March on and on,
Nor right nor left but to the goal.
Nor angel I, nor man, nor brute,
Nor body, mind, nor he nor she,
The books do stop in wonder mute
To tell my nature; I am He.
Before the sun, the moon, the earth,
Before the stars or comets free,
Before e’en time has had its birth,
I was, I am, and I will be.
The beauteous earth, the glorious sun,
The calm sweet moon, the spangled sky,
Causation’s law does make them run;
They live in bonds, in bonds they die.
And mind its mantle dreamy net
Cast o'er them all and holds them fast.
In warp and woof of thought are set,
Earth, hells, and heavens, or worst or best.
Know these are but the outer crust -
All space and time, all effect, cause.
I am beyond all sense, all thoughts,
The witness of the universe.
Not two nor many, ’tis but one,
And thus in me all me’s I have;
I cannot hate, I cannot shun
Myself from me, I can but love.
From dreams awake, from bonds be free,
Be not afraid. This mystery,
My shadow cannot frighten me,
Know once for all that I am He.

-Swami Vivekananda

अशफाक की आखिरी रात - अग्निवेश शुक्ल

"जाऊँगा खाली हाथ मगर ये दर्द साथ ही जायेगा, जाने किस दिन हिन्दोस्तान आज़ाद वतन कहलायेगा?

बिस्मिल हिन्दू हैं कहते हैं "फिर आऊँगा,फिर आऊँगा,फिर आकर के ऐ भारत माँ तुझको आज़ाद कराऊँगा"

जी करता है मैं भी कह दूँ पर मजहब से बंध जाता हूँ,मैं मुसलमान हूँ पुनर्जन्म की बात नहीं कर पाता हूँ;
हाँ खुदा अगर मिल गया कहीं अपनी झोली फैला दूँगा, और जन्नत के बदले उससे यक पुनर्जन्म ही माँगूंगा."

अशफाक की डायरी से :-

"किये थे काम हमने भी जो कुछ भी हमसे बन पाये,ये बातें तब की हैं आज़ाद थे और था शबाब अपना;
मगर अब तो जो कुछ भी हैं उम्मीदें बस वो तुमसे हैं,जबाँ तुम हो लबे-बाम आ चुका है आफताब अपना."

मेरी गंगा-जनुमा उतर गयी हैं, बस इतनी हैं की नहा सके॥

वह असिरे – दामे बला हूँ मैं , जिसे सांस तक भी न आ सके। 

वह कतीले – खंजरे जुल्म हूँ, जो न आँख आफ्नै फिरा सके॥ 

मिरा हिन्दुकुश हुआ हिन्दुकश , ये हिमालिया है दिवालिया। 

मेरी गंगा-जनुमा उतर गयी हैंबस इतनी हैं की नहा सके॥ 

मेरे बच्चे भीख मांगते हैं, उन्हें कड़ा रोटी का कौन दे। 

जहां जावे कहें परे – परे, कोई पास तक न बिठा सके॥ 

मेरे कोहेनूर को क्या हुआ, उसे टुकड़े – टुकड़े ही कर दिया॥ 

उसे खाक में ही मिला दिया, ऐसा कोई कि ला सके?


                                                                                                                    -अशफ़ाक़ उल्ला खां 

( असिरे – दामे बला – मुसीबतों में फसा हुआ , कतीले – खंजरे जुल्म – अत्याचार के खड़ग(तलवार) से घायल )

Saturday, August 23, 2014

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा, हिन्दोस्तां हमारा ||

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा, हिन्दोस्तां हमारा
हम बुलबुलें हैं इसकी, यह गुलिसतां हमारा
गुरबत में हों अगर हम, रहता है दिल वतन में
समझो वहीं हमें भी, दिल हो जहाँ हमारा
परबत वो सबसे ऊँचा, हमसाया आसमाँ का
वो संतरी हमारा, वो पासवां हमारा
गोदी में खेलती हैं, जिसकी हज़ारों नदियाँ
गुलशन है जिसके दम से, रश्क-ए-जिनां हमारा
ऐ आब-ए-रौंद-ए-गंगा! वो दिन है याद तुझको
उतरा तेरे किनारे, जब कारवां हमारा
मजहब नहीं सिखाता, आपस में बैर रखना
हिन्दी हैं हम वतन हैं, हिन्दोस्तां हमारा
यूनान, मिस्र, रोमां, सब मिट गए जहाँ से ।
अब तक मगर है बाकी, नाम-ओ-निशां हमारा
कुछ बात है कि हस्ती, मिटती नहीं हमारी
सदियों रहा है दुश्मन, दौर-ए-जहाँ हमारा
'इक़बाल' कोई मरहूम, अपना नहीं जहाँ में
मालूम क्या किसी को, दर्द-ए-निहां हमारा
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा, हिन्दोस्तां हमारा
हम बुलबुलें हैं इसकी, यह गुलिसतां हमारा ।

                                                                                                            - मुहम्मद इक़बाल

Thursday, August 21, 2014

तेरे-मेरे जीवन का पैमाना कुछ भी नहीं....

आज फिर इन आँखों ने इक पिता को पुत्र के जनाज़े पर रोते देखा । 
दुर्बल हाथों से कैसे वो उसे मुखाग्नि देगा, जो हाथ हर लम्हा प्रतिछाया थे ॥ 

ईश्वर तुझसे आज शिकायत तो है, आज तेरा नाम भी उस माँ का सहारा नहीं । 
क्या बीती होगी उस बहन पे, जिसके सहोदर ने आज उसे पुकारा नहीं ॥ 

वक़्त ने जो घाव दिए-- व्यथापूर्ण, बेहद नासूर दिए 
इक छन को मरहम बन पाऊँ, काश उसकी आई मर जाऊँ

साथी उठकर फिर से चलना होगा, दर्दभरी इन आंधियों में फिर से सम्बलना होगा । 
तेरे-मेरे जीवन का पैमाना कुछ भी नहीं, परंतु इस दौर में भी निष्ठा से गुज़ारना होगा ॥ 

आज मैंने इक भाई खोया है, हृद्य ख़ामोशी के आंसू रोया है । 
बिसर कहाँ पायेगी मुस्कान तेरी, जहन की गहराईयों में रहेगी याद तेरी ॥

मौसम बदले, दिन बदले -- फिर तूं बदला ।

ज़िंदगी तेरे सितम ने रुला दिया, यह किस मोड़ पे आकर मैंने खुद को गवां दिया ।
दिखाए जो तेरी आँखों ने सपने मुझे, फिर अधूरी रात में ही जगा दिया ॥

मौसम बदले, दिन बदले -- फिर तूं बदला ।
मेरी वफ़ा का जैसे समां बदला ॥

'सौरव' इक शाम उसने कहा कि नाकाफ़ी है प्यार तेरा,
मेरी मुस्कराहट ने कम्बक़्त होंठों को जला दिया ॥

अब कहां साथी वो डगर है, सूनी है ज़िंदगी, अंजाना सफर है ।
मैं चलूं तेरी आस लिए, तेरी बेरुखी को अफ़साना बना लिया ॥

मोहब्बत रास न आई, बात यह नहीं के दिल में खोट था ।
बस वो गहराई मापता रहा झीलों की और समंदर की प्रतिष्ठा भुला दिया ॥

समझ ना आए कि दुआ में क्या मांगू?
वक़्त से वो नज़ाकत मांग लूँ या तुझे भुला दूँ ॥

Saturday, August 16, 2014

बेरंग इन हवाओं का रंग देख....

बेरंग इन हवाओं का रंग देख, जो रास आये वो ढंग देख ।
मेरी आँखों में खुद को मेरे संग देख, फिर मेरे चहेरे की उमंग देख ॥

रिश्ता जो रूह से जुड़ जाता है, तेरे-मेरे मिटने से कहां मिट पाता है ।
'मैं' को त्याग 'सौरव,' समय का प्रभुत्व देख  ॥

इक नज़र मेरे एहसासों को देख, मेरे गीतों के रागों को देख ।
खुद को मुझसे तोड़ कर देख, खुद को मुझसे जोड़ कर देख ॥

मनुष्य का पथरीले रस्तों पे ही चरित्र परिभाषित होता है। 
सुकर जीवनकाल कहाँ स्व-अद्यतन कर पाता है ॥

तू खुली आँखों से स्वप्न वो आशिमा देख ।
जो ईश्वर को रास आये; वो अफ़साना, वो सफर देख ॥

बेरंग इन हवाओं का रंग देख, जो रास आये वो ढंग देख ।


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sex & Marketing

Yesterday I heard about 'lascivious' presentation of Kamdhenu Paint, ''BOLLYWOOD STAR NIGHT'' at club Cabbana, Phagwara. Dealers were invited to 'Paint the town' with thrilling performances (includes pole dance as well) of Minisha Lamba, Claudia Ciesla, Shefali Zariwala, Hussain Kuwajerwala, Drishti Saharan & many more. Though there is not much-authentic info about it but the pictorial depiction of scheme pamphlet says it all.

Infusing sex in marketing strategies is old and widespread. In 1870s, Pearl tobacco had featured a naked maiden on its package cover. sIn 1885 W. Duke & Sons inserted sexually provocative trading cards of actresses in their packages of Duke's Cigarettes. Calling them the initiators of sex-marketing is not wrong.

Human brain is attentive to food, danger and .... Sex. It remains scanning the thing that can be dangerous, the food and the things it can have sex with. Brain rapidly response to sexual messages and it is very hard to ignore them. That is why, marketers keep on targeting it.

Now a day, society is lore open to sex and results into more presence of sex into marketing and advertising. 'The Rumour Touch' keep things away that can be offended. 'Selling Sex' is the trade-mark of industries like fashion, motion picture, clothing, automobile and many more.

The question to wrangle upon is, whether 'Selling Sex' should be ethical?

Yes, will be the answer. Associating a product with sex is tricky. If any effort went wrong or the message perceived by the customer got wrong, it would cost the brand identity. 

Practice adopted by Kamdhenu Paints is ethically wrong. It would drive the short term sale. Any whistleblowing or mishappening would draw them in a tiff. 


Be Creative, Be Sexy!

Here is some creative sex-blended stuff for you:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Amazon Vs Flipkart- A Customer's Outlook

It is the story of a teacher and pupil. The relationship was of 'getting inspired,' before it turned into a ‘bitter war.’ The war is all about market share.

Yes, you are right! It is Amazon Vs Flipkart. 

Bansal brothers were inspired by Amazon to set up the replica in Indian market and they did it very well. Late entry of Amazon in India and their outrageous efforts to grip the market has fluttered Flipkart. There is no way out for both, except to fight a price battle.

Guess what, who is the gainer? And the answer is simple. It’s Indian Consumer, who always paid an extra penny for a better service.

I am a frequent online shopper. From books to electronic gadget, I prefer e-commerce. Especially, these days I am even more active due to my broken leg. Sigh! Broken limbs or such other disability is quite a blessing for these consignors. Nevertheless, many THANKS to both!

Though both giants are up to the mark, but my personal experience with Amazon is phenomenal. Foremost, they are speedier in delivery and quicker in action. The depth of product mix at Amazon is sea alike. Though Flipkart is little trendy in marketing style and making good use of word 'Exclusive.' Being a huge brand identity, Amazon carries itself with all that 'orange' branding. Its simple but mind-blowing marketing strategies can make anyone feel astounding. Amazon's online ads remind me of the famous tagline of Hutch (Wherever You Go, Our Network Follows). These ads going to follow you on every damn website you open, with the product line you went through at For a common man, It can be a great fun. Being a marketer I know this is just another way to persuade a customer.

To my surprise, Amazon has offered me a gift card worth of Rs. 200. It was a token of apology against a late delivery that took place long back. Being consumer focused, Amazon credited me the delivery charges and apologized. Right from dispatching to delivery, its valuable SMS follow-up is yet another add-on 

As the price war continuous, both companies are selling things at very low rates. Huge discounts and offers are given to encroach the market share. Both firms have abolished the competition. Not a single firm stood against these and each one is about to diminish. Though snapdeal has shown little resistance, and myntra was acquired by Flipkart.

Sometimes it makes me surprise to see such low rates. At a few occasions unlike Flipkart, I have observed comparatively low quality of products of Amazon. It can be taken into consideration to reduce the prices even more.

Net worth of Sachin and Binny is soaring high because of good execution, of a copied idea. Nevertheless, war is on. Winning it requires stamina and willingness to earn low profits.

Win-Win for Customers!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

To The Most Wonderful Doctor I Know

Till 13 March, I never had an affair to doctors except a hope to marry one. Being outstanding at gym, never made me feel as low as I felt after being crushed by a freak drunk idiot. After all, a good body is all what you possess.

It took him around 6-7 hours to operate me scrupulously and reshape all those anomalous fractures. Superlatively genius, the man is an example to the doctor community. His noble and humble nature makes him stand aside. The much special thing about him that he never made me feel like 'Patient,' a word I hated the most. Come on you, jerks! My name is Sourav, and I am not a 'Patient.' Call me a fighter, rather.

Mr. Sanjeev Uppal is M.S., M.Ch., S.T.S (Yale University, USA). Honestly, the meaning of these initials for me is like chewing almond now a day (as my teeth are sensitive due to the smash). He is heading the department of plastic surgery in DMCH, Ludhiana. Being so successful and rich, he is away from all that so called 'arrogance.' It is an astonishing experience to know him.

During these five months of downer, I have realised that half of the malaise can be taken away with love and affection. There is nothing worst for a patient than to be treated harshly. I got hurt brutally, without even committing any mistake. So, a grating treatment is not what I deserved. I had beaten death and I wished to be treated like a champion. 

A lady doctor and some junior practitioners had no idea, "How to deal with?". They kept on experimenting, yet my misery had no end. Boundless pain made me bawl every time they tried something new. It was so hopelessness that it made me even pray for death. 

and the hope emerged vividly, my father still call it miraculous.

I believe that God has made humans beings so that they can serve others. Perhaps that is why humanity is blessed with intelligence and capability of thinking. To think that I am better than others or I am superior to anybody is disastrous. The Holy Bhagwad Gita calls it 'ignorance'. 

A woman tells her doctor, 'I've got a bad back.' The doctor says, 'It's old age.' The woman says, 'I want a second opinion.' The doctor says: 'Okay - you're ugly as well.'
-Tommy Cooper

Unlike This, Dr. Uppal treated me with tenderness and never fooled me to avoid any risk. He was always firm in his conversations, he never had a second opinion to talk about. His skilful ability to avoid pain has made me obliged to him. After that, I would never be harsh to myself. 

Right from telling me about various television serials to discussing a marketing plan; he motivated me to never give up. It is my affection and propensity towards him that sometimes I keep on talking to him even after the prescription. After all, how much a patient expect?  Just a careful and affectionate watch.

Such people are blessings to humanity. Still under his supervision, hopeful. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Germany Vs Argentina- The Judgement Day

The judgement day is on, Germany and Argentina must be preparing to get a handle on psyche of a big game. Both teams look solid and capable of turning the game around. If you regard 'disbelief' kind of thing, may be you are going to find it tonight. 

Both teams went through rigorous journey to finals and both have shown a great spirit of game. If talking about strengths, Germany has a better goalie Manuel Neuer compared to Romero of Argentina. Though the world Cup brings a good time for Romero and he is the only Argentinian goalkeeper to keep four clean sheets at a world cup tournament. 
German defense is as strong as Argentina has shown in the world cup. But if we talk about their forwards, nobody has impressed expect Leonel Messi and Angel De Maria. Angel's thigh injury and Leo's dinky performance is last couple of games is a concern. On the other hand German's squad has shown higher standard and its 7 players (out of playing squad) scored so far in WC games. Thomas Mullar, Miroslov Klose, Ozil and Tony Kroos is a deadly in-form combination and capable of penetrate any defense. 

Argentina is much dependent on Messi and posing its all stakes on him. Somehow the reality of football is that it is a team game. A team which will play in co-ordination, is going to sweep the show and Germany is expert in that.

Well, 95% of punters are also backing Germany, I place my bet on them too.

Go Germany!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Interim Union Budget 2014-15 (A Brief Look)

Interim union budget is on the floor. Many speculation were made, as people are having higher expectations from Modi's govt. Somehow budget is a decent job done by Mr. Jaitely and seems more realistic.
Govt seems committed to tackle the economic problems like inflation, GDP, fiscal deficit, FDI etc. Such changes requires hardship, as Indian economy has witnessed a drastic sluggishness in UPA tenure. Beside that govt has something more for common man in terms of tax exemption. As the limit raised from Rs 2 Lakh to Rs 2.5, would benefit more than 2 crore people.

A total of Rs 7060 Crore for developing 100 smart cities is another big mark. Bullet train between Mumbai and Ahmadabad has been already announced. Budget has a lot for rural population; from sanitation to rural housing and from road to entrepreneurship, fair amount of justice has done. Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pundits is also an initiative of budget. 

Budget has a clear focus on education and digitization. Rs 28635 is being funded for SSA (Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan) and Rs 4966 Crore for RMSA (Rashtriya Madyamic Shiksha Abhiyan). Moreover 5 IITs and 5 IIMs has been announced, which is a big and brave decision. Govt has shown commitment for health education as well and wish to establish AIIMS in every state. Pan India digitization and effective communication is another area of focus in the budget.

Mr. Jaitley announced a lot of measures aimed resuscitating the local production. These reforms include rectification of duty sturcture, work on industrial corridors and clusters, single window portal etc.

Although a little has announced for women safety, which is a prime concern now a days. Merely Rs 150 is insufficient for safety concerns. Modernization of madarsas got just Rs 100 crores. 
Announcement of Rs. 200 Crore for the Statue of Sardar Patel has come under criticism on social media. In a country which is largely strives poverty and hunger, such initiative is 'unnecessary foolishness'.

Well, people are quite done with Interim, and want to see results!

Friday, June 27, 2014

K and Kasab

This blog was originally written on 25 Nov 2012

Why a thief becomes a thief?

I don’t find it funny, if you call it a ‘hobby’.
If Karen Malhotra became Sunny Leone, we call it evil for our society. Does anybody thought about the circumstances that turned her into a prostitute or we may enjoy watching her dancing at bed? Hundreds of girls finding it an easy way to earn and live, why?

In a nation like ours, people judge you according to ‘end result’. Nobody interested about how it began and who was responsible.
Education broadens mindset and able some-one to distinguish between good or bad. What if any uneducated makes a mistake, just because he don’t know what he is doing is an evil? And who is responsible if an uneducated is uneducated?

When a poor sleeps at night, he always dream about to buy a cozy blanket for him at 5`C. How will he earn if he is uneducated?
I met hundreds of people in Jammu and Kashmir, who are uneducated, ruined by government and society beasts, unemployed and completely innocent to find their fortune into the dirt of country. They are as malleable as virgin aluminum foil. Due to raw brains and untouched by alphabets, they are like sheep. Whether earth is flat or ‘K’ is just three sticks, doesn’t matters for them.

I often seen that when a leg piece shown to a dog, it attacks and attacks hard. What about if a diamond is shown to uneducated and unemployed poor? What if they swear on God to make an innocent believe that we are their enemies? What if Govt. acts like a gay, unable to please their own people?
‘’They told me that I am their employee now and I am here for good work. I thought that I got a job, earning good bucks. They sent me here on a mission, saying me that I am going there for good deeds’ said Ajmal Kasab in his interview during his hospitalization.

I am not supporting here Ajmal Kasab or any other terror group! I am just trying to explain that what has created Ajmal Kasab. And what is continuously creating thousands of Ajmal Kasab.

Hanging Ajmal Kasab is not going to help society, stopping innocents becoming Ajmal Kasab does!