Sunday, November 23, 2014

Why Indian Men Rape?

Quite an engrossing topic, isn't it?

Here's the problem lies! I contemplated about it, and finally googled.

To my consternation,  I got About 4,26,00,000 results. What really relevant was a few analytical facts presented by some really good newspapers, organisations and journals. Right from Washington Post to The Guardian, every article had virtually tantamount view.

Is it the 'deprivation' of sexual needs or brunt of modernisation, is it offshoot of marrowless system or male resistance to women empowerment. In India everything seems wrong, rape means a life of misery and melancholy. 

Aleteia describes what is it with Indians and Rape?  

"It would be easy to say rape in India was a recent phenomenon, a by-product of modernization."

Here are some culpable facts inviting the doers:

  • India has the lowest number of FEMALE officers among Asian Countries. As low as 7% in  the national capital.
  • In New Delhi, only 1/3 policemen are available for of general citizens while rest are providing security services to various politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats and others. As per THE TIMES OF INDIA, there is one officer for every 200 citizens and about 20 officers for every VIP.
  • The Reuters TrustLaw Group named India one of the worst countries in the world for women this year.
  • A 2012 report by UNICEF found that 57% of Indian boys and 53% of girls between the age group 15 to 19 think that wife-beating is justified.
  • Indian Judicial System is next to the word pathetic. India has 15 judges for 1 million people, while China has 159. It would take 466 years to get through the backlogs in the capital alone.
  • As per National Crime Records Bureau, there is an increase of 900% registered rape cases in India over the past 40 years.
  • In every 20 minutes, a woman is raped. One out every three victims is under 18 & one out of every ten victims is under 14.
  • As per a study in 2011, one in four Indian men admitted to having committed sexual violence. 
  • There is a higher probability that only one out of 100 rapes is reported.

I have used a weird but undeniable method to identify the chunk who may be proactively indulge in Sexual Assaults:

India's Sex Ratio is 943:1000
Total Population: 125 Crore Approx 

As per the sex ratio, there is a difference of 57, which means the shortage of women to have a normal relationship. India has more than 65% of the population below the age of 30. So, it's common for the young minds to revolve around the word,"Sex."

Correction to these technicalities is strongly required. Empowering and educating the women can ameliorate the stigma of male dominance. Start it from the basic, shun the puritanical habits and talk about it on your dinner table. Teach your children to respect women as much as they accord to deities. Treat victims with love, empathy and care. And gradually a better society can be formed.

There is a lot to talk about this, and the onus is ours to carry it on....

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