Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Political Blitz of Sunder Bani-Nowshera

As the ferocious battle of  #JammuAndKashmir assembly elections is forth, I wish I could be there to confab and relish the hysteria. Political satire is something I find fascinating now a day. During my recovery process, I contemplated it to a greater extent.

Being a dweller of Sunder Bani-Nowshera Constituency, I have so many expectations. And the burden of expectations remained insurmountable for all these years.

I heard that they are working to build a bridge on my way to home. Do they know that I cannot cross the 'Nullah' with a broken leg? No! It's just political dogma.

Unlike me, many suffered economically, physically, mentally and so on. There is no hope in the political conformity of my area

The 'Sarpanch' of my village is still a missing character, nobody seen him (at least in our locality) after his swearing-in. How can I hope an MLA to visit us? It would be the day of eternity. Isn't it?

Last time I heard that people voted a person who endowed blankets and liquor to them. I don't think this much is the standard of my people. Eat, Drink, Enjoy but do not vote for the candidate who is bestowing such offers, such people will keep you and your children retrogress. 

Sully Prudhomme famously said, "GREAT ARE ONLY GREAT BECAUSE WE ARE ON OUR KNEES." Let's rise and fight for our future. Right from the living standards to medical facilities, from education to employment; we are bereaved!

I do not have much knowledge about candidates who are fighting for the crown, nor I am voting this time because of my meager health. But I am sure you all going to choose a CANDIDATE whom people 'dislike the least.' 

My wishes to Sh. Surinder Choudhary, the man with a moxie. He is most accessible among all candidates and my personal favorite too. Sh. Ravinder Raina, the newest face to the locality, charismatic and full of energy. He holds the supreme dynamism of Sh Narendra Modi. Sh. Rajinder Sharma, the man who changed the story of his own village. Sh Ravinder Sharma, whose MLC candidature didn't bring something over the nix, hopes are still on.

We are way ahead to the last assembly polls, let us be more pragmatic and choose the candidate based on the performance. A day to rise above from politics of abashment and greed is awaiting.


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