Sunday, October 11, 2015

Renault KWID: The Game is still on

The new Renault KWID is pleasant surprise to the budget car industry in India. Equipped with extraordinary features those are not only best in class, but also in cars from segments above. It includes seven-inch touch-screen navigation system, a boot capacity of 300 litres, and the best in class ground clearance of 180 millimetres. The SUV look of the car is unique and attractive, with the best in class length & breadth offers a superior interior space, which is unusually rare in this segment. A three-cylinder 0.8-litre Smart Control Efficiency engine (799 CC, which is tuned to churn out 54PS and a peak torque of 72Nm with a 5-speed manual gearbox) enables it to generate a mileage of 25.17 kmpl, again the best in class.

With an affordable price of Rs 2.56 lakh to Rs 3.53 lakh, Renault KWID stands far ahead in the category of mini hatchbacks. The big question is now that whether KWID will be able to revive the dying mini car segment in India. With the changing preferences, increase in income level, availability of so many variants and easy bank financing options, the Indian consumer has already started to make a shift to the next level of owning a car.

The buzz that Renault has created with its online marketing efforts and India as a choice to be the first in global launch of KWID, reflects that seriousness of Renault towards the Indian market. The concept of virtual showroom, online demos and others communication efforts are worth appreciable and it also clicked for Renault as a flying start having managed to get 25,000 bookings within two weeks since its launch.

Surely, a well equipped mini car has everything to make a mark but isn't it too late for Renault to cater the segment? Or Renault is just trying to list the presence in the category? Though less price would enable it to fetch the market share but competition is already intense with Maruti Alto and Hundai Eon. The miserable journey of Tata Nano so far has already proved that even a college going boy is not much interested in mini cars. Sluggish sales of mini cars in India and falling market share of the segment (mini car segment constituted 30% in 2010-11, which is continuously on downfall with 21% market share in 2014-15) and comparative increase of market share of compact hatchbacks and sedan cars is the biggest challenge for Renault.

Despite of a few weak points and potential threats, Renault KWID has the mind-blowing strength to utilize the available opportunity in the dynamic market of India. 

Friday, October 9, 2015


This blog was also appeared in one of India's leading blogging platform

We men and women are filled of profuse love and competent of give-away tons of love to each & every creation of Mother Nature. Even our birth is the result of the most intimated and sacred form of love. Why violence?

World has witnessed the greatest of the greatest leaders who have embraced the path of non-violence and made the significant contribution to make the world a better place. Why do we forget about it, and we always forget about it. The blood-drenched sword is double edged and it justifies Newton’s third law of motion.  Violence serves no one; even the aftermath of the great battle of Kurushetra was grief-stricken to the Pandvas. Though the violent battles fought in ancient times were mostly, good versus evil, and the purpose always remained unique i.e. to prevail peace. But in today’s era, things are worst; we fight for baseless things, which have no relation to the accomplishment of peace.

Let me share my own story with you, I had a very tragic road-accident in the year 2014 and the credit of my survival goes to the generous humans who overlooked the conundrum of religion, caste, creed etc and made every possible effort to keep me alive. My Boss, who is a believer of Sikh faith, was among those angelic humans who donated me the blood. My fracture leg was precisely treated by a Muslim doctor, I was mentally supported by my friends across the globe and all of them are Christians. Do I need to say that how much I owe to them?

There are so things in this world like poverty, education, hunger to care about except the fanaticism of violence and inhumanity. Religions were made to serve humanity, not to lynch it.   In his book Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India, Dr Kalam wrote, ““For great men, religion is a way of making friends; small people make religion a fighting tool.”   To a thirsty, the religion is water, to a hungry, the religion is food; above all is humanity that serves the needy.

In her letter to me, Irom Sharmila writes, “What we really need to do now is to inculcate the art of love and kindness for others around the world, so that the world be the real sole-abode of a civilised generation of ours, without madness of killings and supremacy in dealing with other fellow beings. Why not it is possible?

We, the citizen of this planet, are desperately in need to salvage the pearl of tolerance. Our minds should be broad enough and our hearts must be warm enough; to act or react without harming others, to analyse precisely before making pre-emptive notions, to help the feeble with all our strength, to think positive and TO make a constructive change.
After all, life is too short to be lived with hatred.

This is my first poem I ever wrote, I shall dedicate this to 'humanity' within us:

मैं इंसान हूँ।
(I Am Human)

सोचकर आज मैं बात यह परेशान हूँ, कि मैं एक इंसान हूँ।
(Thinking about it today, I am worried that I am a human-being)

मुझे दफनाओगे या जलाओगे?;
(Will you bury me or burn me after death?)
ना मैं हिन्दू हूँ, ना  मुसलमान हूँ।।
(I am neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim)

भगवान ने मुझे इंसान बनाया, लेकिन जग ने मुझे हिंदू या मुसलमान बनाया।
(God has made me a human, but the world has made me a Hindu or a Muslim)

लहू दोनों का है लाल, वही आखें वही बाल।
(The color of blood is same, same hair & eyes)
फिर क्या है अलग कि तू हिन्दू है, मैं मुसलमान हूँ।।
(What's different is that you are a Hindu, I am a Muslim)

राम भी वही, रहीम भी वही
(God is one)
फिर भी क्यों तू हिन्दू है, मैं मुसलमान हूँ।।
(Why are you still Hindu, I am a Muslim)

शायद यही समय है बदलने का दुनिया की रीत को,
(Maybe it's time to change the way of the world)
गाने का इस गीत को
(....and to sing the song)

"ना मैं हिंदू हूँ, ना मै मुसलमान हूँ,
(No, I am a Hindu, a Muslim, I am not)
मै इंसान हूँ, मै इंसान हूँ।।"
(I am human, I am human)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

China’s Quest of Innovation

The attitude of a typical consumer (may be outside) China; a Chinese product means something cheap, sub-standard and a “mimic” innovation, which may last up-to a certain level of uses. Unknowing the fact that almost everything (which we consider a product of high quality) is directly or indirectly associated with Chinese markets, in one or other way, includes assembling, manufacturing or labouring.

Slowing economic development and looking for future prospects of healthy growth forcing China to transit itself into an innovation driven economy. It is spending $200 Billion (an increase of up-to four fold in less than a decade) on R&D, a year, which amounts 2% of its GDP and further increase is possible in upcoming years. It is almost at par with the R&D spending of USA and far greater than which India spends on R&D (0.9% of its much smaller GDP).

The China’s quest of innovation is moreover lies on the legal framework, financial functioning and its acknowledgement to the private sector. To establish the credibility of its ‘own’ products outside China will be the biggest challenge, apart from the global ‘technical- co-ordination’ to produce better products.

The issues with India and China on their respective R&D endeavour are alike. The majority of innovations-hubs in both the countries are state driven and politically dominated, which allow the least; freedom, funds & fun of doing innovation. Often the private firms include marketing research and other such initiatives under the umbrella of R&D, in order to exempt tax obligations.

The most effective way to indulge innovation into the thinking process starts from the basic, i.e. inclusion of universities and colleges in R&D initiatives. 4 out of 5 university graduates in India are not unemployable as they do not have right skills. Better R&D facilities at university and college level can be the game-changer for both India and China.

Both the countries do not lack in resources but proper planning and effective implementation of R&D friendly policies are required. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Assam Is Drowning But No One Cares

This post was originally appeared in HUFFINGTON POST

Before I write anything about the Northeast, let me ask: Do we really consider it a part of India? This question is for everyone, including politicians, media-houses, corporations and even to every common citizen of the country.
Assam is drowning. Ceaseless rains and massive floods have affected 1.5 million people in 17 districts. More than 50 people have died. According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority, more than 92,000 people have sought refuge in about 240 camps and 92,820 hectares of crop areas have been destroyed.
According to Assam's Water Resources Department, the Brahmaputra and Barak rivers, fed by more than 50 tributaries, are prone to flooding every monsoon. "The flood and erosion problem of Assam is singularly different from other states so far as extent and duration of flooding and magnitude of erosion is concerned... the flood prone area of the state as assessed by the Rastriya Barh Ayog (RBA) is 31.05 lakh hectares... about 39.58 % of the total land area of Assam." Despite this knowledge, no solid pre-emptive actions were taken by the government.
The central government is yet to announce any concrete plan to tackle the situation, and Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is able to do little other than wring his hands and complain that the Centre hasn't yet released the Rs 387.2 crore for rehabilitationand restoration work. While Prime Minister Modi has with great fanfare announced a special "package" of Rs 1.25 lakh crores for Bihar, which is headed for elections, this largesse is missing when it comes to Assam. After all, Assam is Congress-governed and there are no polls to worry about right now.
As Assam struggles to breathe, there are no outpourings of support on Twitter, no heart-wrenching Facebook posts, no front page news. The rest of India is too busy raging over meat bans and pontificating on homicidal mothers. It is heart-wrenching to see such discrimination within our own country, by our own people. Shouldn't India be united before it can look for a brighter future for all its citizens?
It is not just a disaster for the people of Assam but a tragic moment for the whole nation.
Will anyone take notice? It is high time we try to win back the faith of the people of the Northeast.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Irom Sharmila: The Invisible Heroine

Welcome to India, the world's largest democracy! Here is a woman who has beenfasting for a cause for the past 15 years and nobody really cares. Yes, you heard it right - 15 years!

It is her conscience, her unwavering convictions that have made her the "Iron Lady of Manipur". Irom Sharmila is like droplets of water trickling into a solid rock. With her silent, resilient and persistent efforts, this frail woman has made a dent, and a solid one at that. This poetess, with her adamant devotion, is, according to me, one of the greatest women to have ever lived on earth.

Irom Sharmila Chanu's status as a heroine - and a victim of the Republic of India - started on 2 November, 2000, when armed forces killed 10 innocent civilians who were waiting for a bus in Malon, Manipur. The victims included an 18-year-old National Bravery Award winner.

In the ruthless world where people don't even care about their own flesh and blood, broken-hearted Irom Sharmila has been on a continuous hunger strike since that day to force the government to repeal AFSPA. Sensing trouble, and that too trouble created by a woman, the government charged her with "attempted suicide" and ensured that she stayed trapped between the judiciary and jail. She is forcibly fed to keep her alive, which is an obligation for government to avoid any perceived conflict. No one in successive central governments, no so-called human rights activists, no civil rights organisations ever stood for her in any meaningful way.

When I met with an accident and broke my jaw, it was the time I couldn't eat anything. I wrote to her to enquire how she managed to stay without food for so long. Her answer was as inspirational as she is: eternal faith.

With almost no media coverage and support from the "owners" of this country, her struggle against the draconian AFSPA is like a pigeon fighting against a flock of vultures, but her optimism is indestructible. There is no one I know who has suffered so much for an absolutely selfless cause.
A lower-middle class girl of Manipur may become 'Mengoubi' (a fair girl) or Iron Lady for us, but she never wanted to be this. She has a few aspirations for life, a loving boyfriend and a beautiful family. She wants to return to her life but only after ensuring peace and love for her motherland.

May she succeed!

This blog was also published in Huffington Post  on 13 Aug 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Broken Bird, Broken Bird

Broken Bird, Broken Bird-- Get well soon
Thee have to touch the sky, kiss the moon

Fleeting are these moments, give it a try
Thee not meant to crawl, get set & fly--

Broken Bird, this scourging noon, people gonna left thee alone
Don't despair, sing the song of hope & let them mourn

Broken Bird, feathers are growing again, thee lost nothing but fear of pain
Life is even more beautiful now; nothing to lose & gain-- 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I Know They Gonna Leave You, They Were Never There.

"The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances."


It comes with pain, it brings misery, it take-along solitude-- Ho, it's not that tragic accident, it's you! Let me tell you it's a transformation, an opportunity to meet your own consciousness. People die every day, death is the greatest virtue and only truth you're going to answer for your life. Accidents happen for a reason, it happens to conceive you that life is beautiful and it is even more beautiful than you ever thought before. Accidents make you fearless- no any amount of pain can hurt you anymore, no any amount of botherations can make you worrisome, no any amount of hatred going to belittle your love. 

Take a bow, you've beaten the death to take yours life away. You're blessed with an effortless destiny. Give your life a second chance, do not let yourself believe it had happened to you. Start living again, be your own superhero. Love everyone, put a heart in the crippling soul, make others realise that it is the only moment you can live forever. Laugh, make them laugh, soothe their aching-- you gonna feel eternal happiness. So that when death will come to hunt you again, you could die in peace and contentment.

I know they gonna leave you, they were never there. Those who are still here, they were always there. Do not cry, do not waste your precious tears for those who couldn't wait to put you on feet again. They have no spirit to feel your pain, they have no audacity to kiss your rolling tears, they had no spine to say that they still love you. Life is uncertain, unjustified, unpredictable- there's going to be another day, the day they never ever imagined of. Smile, you loved them unconditionally. Bless them anyway, they are meagre souls with necessitous hearts. 

You can't stop, you have to go on. Life brings the fortitude when you have no privilege to choose from. You may never going to forget the anguished times, but ages gonna fade your memories. Feed your soul with all the things you ever dreamed of. Believe yourself, thank almighty for everything you have today. 

Live, smile....

Monday, February 23, 2015

Why "Anna Majhi Satakli."

As the government has decided to introduce an ordinance in order to amend the existing  Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013, hysterical protests against it has been enraged by opposition parties and social activist Anna Hazare. In my point of view, such changes are pro-industrial and have nothing to concern about farmers. Modi's fanaticism towards Make in India and his promises to curb the 'red-tape' may be the main reasons behind it. 

The current bill has a provision of compensation for those who do not own the land but work to cultivate it. The proposed amendments will increase the apprehension that the poorest of poorer sections won’t be benefitted from it. Amendments will place them nowhere.

The govt has amended the section 10(A) of the bill, which immunes five sectors (national security, defence, rural infrastructure including electrification, industrial corridors and housing for the poor including PPP) from 80% “consent clause.” Which means “no question needs be answered” while acquiring even fertile land. I am not surprised if Mr. Modi is now acting like the puppet of corporate houses. Such “authoritative” amendments would exploit poor people even more. Though govt has tried to balance it by adding some acts which were not included in previous version. But again it won’t help poor.

It’s time to support Anna Hazare and to revitalise the presence of opposition in the democracy. No economic growth can be achieved by creating the vacuum between rich and poor.

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay." 

–Oliver Goldsmith

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Massacre:The Result of Strife Between Western Sanctimoniousness and Islamic Zealotry!

“I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it”
- Evelyn Beatrice Hall

The reaction that Islamic extremities had given to Charlie Hebdo, is iniquitous and reprehensive. This will further aggravate the situation and deepen the gulf between Islam and rest of the world. Apparently, the world is slowly moving towards a nasty situation of hostilities between religions.

This incident is the result of strife between western sanctimoniousness and Islamic zealotry. Freedom of speech is th latitude but not the license to do something unacceptable. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, specifically affirmed freedom of speech as an inalienable right. The Declaration provides for freedom of expression in Article 11, states that:

“The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.”

What Ccartoonistsof Charlie Hebdo were doing is totally absurd, stupid and poignant. Lampooning the believe system of a particular religion on the name of ‘freedom’ is disgraceful. You simply cannot mock a religion or anything, which prohibits doing so- it’s immoral and terrible for peace.

But the way that three blockheads had chosen to avenge the Prophet is even deplorable. Mohammad ElBaradei famously said, “There is no religion that was found on intolerance- and no religion that does not value the sanctity of human life.” Killing someone is not justified and it would never be. Such acts will not make Prophet happy, nor it is going to do any good for Islam. Time to sought-out things in a peaceful manner- an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

Note: The Cartoon depicted in the post is not endorsed by the writer.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Open Letter To Sh. Ravinder Raina, MLA (Nowshera- Sunder Bani Constituency)

Dear Mr Raina,

My heartiest congratulations to you for being elected as MLA of Nowshera-Sunder Bani Constituency. Your victory was an unambiguous verdict of the people who are hankering to glimpse a change in their lives. I still remember the day I went to cast my vote, it was as difficult as mounting a hill without feet. Yet I didn’t let my broken leg to serve me as an obstacle. It was my belief for a better tomorrow which led me to abide the affliction.

People utterly believe your action-plan and they have a conjecture that ‘achhe din’ will turn-up for them. Not just the new challenges awaiting you, there are ample voids and huge disappointments are kept in regard by your predecessors’. And you have to conquer all. You may not get the support of people within your own party, whom I wrote too. They are merely concern to their own sphere. Time has gone when people used to elect parties & MLAs in lieu of liquor, blankets and delicious meals. That’s why people slapped hard on the face of R S Sharma with alms of 1088 votes. People didn’t vote BJP, they voted you. They voted a man whom they find alike, who can affix them.

Sir, there are numerous problems; it may take us to write an epic. Yet I noticed that; what we have, even it is not up to the mark. We have hospitals, but not enough doctors and beds. We have schools, but not enough teachers and class-rooms. We have roads, but not enough bridges and busses. We have pipelines but not water flowing into them. We have poles & wires, but not electric current passing through them. And so on and on and on. Let’s start from here; we can address this with minor efforts and maximum benefits. Rest of the things may go synergic.

Anything is possible, it takes an adamant of determination to transform the dreams into reality. We are with you in this journey of change. Together we will see a new day- better and bright.

Yours Sincerely

Sourav R