Monday, February 23, 2015

Why "Anna Majhi Satakli."

As the government has decided to introduce an ordinance in order to amend the existing  Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013, hysterical protests against it has been enraged by opposition parties and social activist Anna Hazare. In my point of view, such changes are pro-industrial and have nothing to concern about farmers. Modi's fanaticism towards Make in India and his promises to curb the 'red-tape' may be the main reasons behind it. 

The current bill has a provision of compensation for those who do not own the land but work to cultivate it. The proposed amendments will increase the apprehension that the poorest of poorer sections won’t be benefitted from it. Amendments will place them nowhere.

The govt has amended the section 10(A) of the bill, which immunes five sectors (national security, defence, rural infrastructure including electrification, industrial corridors and housing for the poor including PPP) from 80% “consent clause.” Which means “no question needs be answered” while acquiring even fertile land. I am not surprised if Mr. Modi is now acting like the puppet of corporate houses. Such “authoritative” amendments would exploit poor people even more. Though govt has tried to balance it by adding some acts which were not included in previous version. But again it won’t help poor.

It’s time to support Anna Hazare and to revitalise the presence of opposition in the democracy. No economic growth can be achieved by creating the vacuum between rich and poor.

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay." 

–Oliver Goldsmith